Supports Government’s Program, Kawan Lama Group Organizes Vaccinations Event in Living World Alam Sutera Mall

Supports Government’s Program, Kawan Lama Group Organizes Vaccinations Event in Living World Alam Sutera Mall

26th August 2021

In order to support the government's program in reaching national herd immunity, Kawan Lama group collaborated with KODIM 0506 Tangerang to organize a vaccination event in Living World Alam Sutera Mall, from 8 a.m. to 12 noon, 23 to 31 August. The total target vaccine recipients for both first and second dose are 6,200 public citizen participants aged 12 and older especially for South Tangerang, with 600 participants each day on weekdays and 1,000 each day on weekends. To prevent long queues, participants were recommended to register beforehand via a website link blasted in Living World Alam Sutera’s social media accounts, and confirmed further by email or WhatsApp messages.

As stated by Deputy Mayor of Tangerang Pilar Saga Ichsan, “I appreciate Kawan Lama Group, Living World, and of course KODIM 0506 Tangerang, as the vaccination agenda today went well, smoothly, and orderly. Given the strategic location with vast space and proper air circulations, we hope this program becomes a blueprint for other companies or parties planning to host a vaccination event in the future.” He continued, “air circulations and enough distance between participants reduce the COVID-19 spread risk in public. With this, people will not be scared to go get vaccinations.”

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Director of Living World, Jannywati, stated similar comments regarding the day’s event. “We appreciate the government’s effort to accelerate the national vaccination program. By 25 August 2021, an amount of 33,1 million second-dose recipients have been recorded, or 15,9% from the initial target,” she stated. “Kawan Lama Group, including Living World Alam Sutera, will continue to support the government’s program to reach national herd immunity, for Indonesia to be COVID-free as soon as possible. As a mall, Living World Alam Sutera has become a center of vaccination in South Tangerang since 10 April 2021, with more than 9,000 doses given. We also urge the public to always implement the strict health protocols, even after being vaccinated,” she ended.

The enthusiasm of citizens and mall visitors to follow the vaccination program’s process were prominent. Starting from queuing in line to register, undergoing health screening, being vaccinated by the healthcare workers, and waiting for 15 minutes for final observations. 

“Thanks to online registrations, people can get privileged entry access with the limited quota available. The flow was smooth, the checkpoints were also clear, and the screening was very good,” said Edi Galaxcy, a participant. 

Since the beginning of the year, Kawan Lama Group has done 25 vaccination programs spread in Jabodetabek, Bandung, Cirebon, Tasikmalaya, Semarang, Solo, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Samarinda, Makassar, Kendari,  Manado, and Kalimantan. The programs were organized independently or collaborating with several parties, such as APRINDO (Asosiasi Pengusaha Ritel Indonesia), HIPPINDO (Himpunan Peritel dan Penyewa Pusat Perbelanjaan Indonesia), Yayasan CEO Indonesia, and also government’s institutions namely local health departments (Dinas Kesehatan), TNI, and POLRI. By August 2021, Kawan Lama Group has delivered vaccination services for more than 286,000 citizens, and continuously strives to always support government to prevent COVID-19 spread.